Air Pocket

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Air Pocket
CCG S059 AirPocket.jpg
Card Information
Card Set

Slippery When Wet


Pacific Peril
Neptune's Fury





Card Statistics
Card Type

Trigger Discovery

Search Rating


Air Pocket is a common card from the Slippery When Wet set of the Collectible Card Game. In addition to booster packs, it can also be obtained from both the Pacific Peril and Neptune's Fury Quest Decks.

Card Effect

This can only be discovered at a non-Special (wet) location. Add a Save Point to that location. It becomes a (dry) location.

Flavor Text

Well, that's fortunate. Mental note: next time, bring plastic bags so I can haul around some extra air supply.

Slippery When Wet
<<< Save Point Air Pocket Drain Trigger >>>